mercoledì, novembre 7

Anywhere, but exactly here

Anywhere, but exactly here

ogni poster al suo posto, ogni posto ha il suo poster

Dal 15/11/2012 al 7/12/2012, dalle 14:00 alle 19:00

Inaugurazione Mercoledì 14 Novembre, h. 18:00

LINKE. | Via Avancini 8 | 20142 Milano

“Anywhere, but exactly here” si presenta come una vera e propria esposizione di fotografie, prodotte nel formato del poster, un oggetto pop in disuso che permette di circondarsi di immaginari ogni volta diversi.

Le fotografie in mostra nascono da un immaginario comune, ma sono al contempo uniche, quasi surreali, producono una sensazione di sospensione, come quando si trattiene il respiro o si ha un déjà vu.

Un particolare quotidiano si presenta come noto e straniante allo stesso tempo: un volto blu, una renna di natale sospesa nel cielo, le gambe di donna appena coperte da un tralcio di edera.

La foto potrebbe essere stata scattata in qualsiasi parte del mondo, eppure rappresenta un preciso punto nello spazio e un preciso momento.

Durante l’inaugurazione live printing: i poster esposti saranno in vendita, verranno prodotti al momento e consegnati ancora caldi di stampa.



Alessia Bernardini

Anywhere, but exactly here

every poster in its place, a place for every poster

From November 15 2012 to December  7 2012, opened 14:00-19:00

Opening on Wednesday 14th November at 18:00

LINKE. | Via Avancini 8 | 20142 Milano

“Anywhere, but exactly here” is an exhibition of photographs printed in the poster format, a disused pop object that surrounds us with imaginaries that can be different each time.
The photographs arise from a collective imaginary and they are unique at the same time, almost surreal, producing an experience of suspension, like when holding your breath or experiencing a déjà vu.
An ordinary detail results familiar and yet strange: a blue face, a Christmas reindeer suspended in the sky, a woman’s legs just covered by an ivy branch.
Every photo could have been shot anywhere in the world, nevertheless it represents a precise point in space and a precise moment
Live printing during the opening: displayed posters will be on sale and they will be produced in real time and delivered hot off the press.


Alessia Bernardini lives and works in Milan. She has always been using photography to record and share her eye on the world. She created a small brand of hand-crafted photographic production - Home Made Photo Craft - and she is part of Tutamondo, a collective that works on art for social development.

Posters are printed 70 x 100 cm on Blue Back (Matte) 120 gsm paper, using Epson Ultrachrome K3 inks.

The exhibition is made possible by the sharing of the production process with LINKE. lab